Tuesday, June 20, 2017

All-In-One Restaurant POS System


Ready To Go Out-of-the-Box

When your system arrives, take it out of the box and it’s ready to go. It will come pre-loaded with your data. We do all the first time setup of menus, items, prices, touchscreen layouts, buttons, colors, manager passwords, etc., so you don’t have to. You’ll be fully trained on how to make day-to-day changes and we are never more than a phone call, email or text away.

No Hidden Fees. Period.

Everything’s Included! The Hardware, Software, Initial Setup, Training, Shipping, Credit Card Processing, Custom Programming (if any), and Complete Support on BOTH the Hardware and the Software.

24/7 Support

We are there when you need us. Call, text or email. We get right on your system and see exactly what you see. Any fix or change is done on-the-spot. 9 times out of 10 someone’s just not pushing the right button, but that’s OK. Support is Support. Call us when you need us. We’re more than happy to help in any way we can.

Fully Customizable

Got a unique need? Other companies telling you to dump what you have and upgrade to a new model? Buy it all over again? Ridiculous! Our code lives right on your system. We can create any change or function you may require and we’ll make sure it doesn’t compromise the integrity of your system.

Completely Expandable.

You only pay for the program once. Expand the number of Touchscreens, Printers, Cash Drawers, Tablets, Bar Code Readers, Credit Card Swipes, etc. as you grow.

Pays For Itself

Starting in the very first month of use we'll show you at least 3 different ways your system will automatically pay for it's cost to own.


Lease-to-Own a Complete POS 2-Touchscreen Hardware & Software System for less than $200 per month. Put down $200 cash out of pocket and get a complete 2-Touchscreen Hardware and Software System (including Training and Support), delived to your doorstep. You'll save that alone on just not having any more mis-added tickets. Or for the time it takes to manually enter your Timecards (or deciphering them for that matter), or for the time it takes you to post to Quickbooks.
$199 Down and $199 per month ($6.33 per day). Can you afford Not to?

Overnight or Second day Replacemnent Warranty.

Touchscreens are Replaced at no extra charge for the next three years! All you pay for is ground shipping to send the old unit back.

Remote Access From Home - Smartphone Accessible

Enjoy Secure Remote Access to your Restaurant from Home or on the road via Tablet or Smartphone. See and do anything just as if you were there. Use in stealth mode (hidden from others), or let them know you're watching! Sit back and Monitor the register at the bar. Watch a live P&L as it happens. Create next week's Labor Schedule or run Inventory Cost Reports. Never be out-of-touch.  

Original Post Found Here

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All-In-One Restaurant POS System

Features Ready To Go Out-of-the-Box When your system arrives, take it out of the box and it’s ready to go . It will come pre-loaded w...